Originally posted by F Spider
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#107 - C8 Spyder
I really like the clean holes in the dash where the airco outlets come out in the two or three outlet units. I noticed though with the four outlet system that there are no two clean holes for the two center outlets but one bigger hole with a sheet of aluminium attached to it in which the two outlets house. I think that's a shame because I think it's not really as nice as the two or three outlet systems. I would think it would be possible to make two seperate holes for the two center outlets, so I wonder why it is done this way?
Now I read this over the story is rather vague, I hope you get what I meanLast edited by F Spider; 23-03-2024, 16:44.Winning on sunday, selling on monday!
image_1635.jpg image_1636.jpg image_1637.jpg image_1638.jpg These guys at MMC really went out of their way to clean under the clamshellsLast edited by F Spider; 23-03-2024, 16:43.Rijk
image_1641.jpg image_1642.jpg Two more pictures with everything open.....Last edited by F Spider; 23-03-2024, 16:42.Rijk
After three weeks I finally have the #107 back
Spyker service and warrantee is unparalleled. They really go the extra mile to keep their customers satisfied.
There were some warrantee issues as well as the upgrade to 2008 specs done by Manhattan Motorcars. Bashir, the factory trained technician, did an outstanding job.
It was clear that he enjoyed working on the car. Contact with Nick at the factory and Vinny as the US representative is easy. Try that if you have issues with your Porsche or Ferrari. It's a complete different ball game. I'm impressedLast edited by F Spider; 23-03-2024, 16:42.Rijk
image_1649.jpg image_1650.jpg New interior pictures with the double vent:Last edited by F Spider; 23-03-2024, 16:42.Rijk