In het artikel over Spykerenthusiast in de eerste AutoVisie van dit jaar noemt eigenaar Jasper de volgende productie-aantallen: in totaal zouden er 200 Spykers zijn gemaakt (geen 300, omdat er nummers werden overgeslagen), waaronder 120 Spiders, 60 Laviolettes en 13 Double 12s. De overigen zouden prototypes en Ailerons zijn. Nu ben ik wel nieuwsgierig hoeveel Ailerons er geproduceerd zijn. Wie weet meer?
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Spykerenthusiast in AutoVisie en productie-aantallen
Thanks for your response. Yes, I'd already checked the register, in which I counted 10 Ailerons, but isn't that based on a production number of 300 instead of 200? Proof of counting one car as more than one is the Preliator. Two are in the register, but only one has been made. Spyker introduced the Preliator coupé and subsequently the Preliator spyder, but the latter was the coupé with its head chopped off.
We did not count the Preliator twice. Both are listed as #255. Over time we are still adding missing cars, so there is not a final number, but it will probably be just shy of 250. When people ask, I say that there are "around 250" Spykers built.Rijk
I would agree that `around 250` would be accurate and stating this figure would not be an exaggeration. It´s difficult to say exactly how many are Spyders and how many are Laviolettes because some were converted from Spyder to Laviolette so it depends whether you count a converted Spyder still as Spyder or as a Laviolette but the numers mentioned by Jasper should also be considered to be correct. To answer your question of how many Ailerons were built it depends on your definition of a car. If you mean a fully completed car the answer would be approximately 10. If prototypes and uncompleted chassis are included it would be around 15 i would say.Winning on sunday, selling on monday!